• Many innocent men and women have been locked up in different cells across Africa. Everyone including the police knows that they are ignorant and innocent of what they were accused of, but their crime is because they are not rich enough to bribe their way out. That is one of the reasons WHY WE WEEP AFRICA and BCC will pursue justice for such people and see to it that every oppressor will be punished.
  • There are many children in several communities in Africa who may never go to school because there are no schools close to them. They trek many kilometres just to get to the nearest schools close to them, yet, they get their to sit on the floor to learn inside the dilapidated schools. Many have been discouraged to continue the pursuit of education because of these factors. And that is also WHY WE WEEP AFRICA. By the grace of God, BCC will build schools and pay school fees to children in such local communities.
  • There are many multi talented teenagers and youths in many African countries who may never rise to fulfil their potentials if nobody helps them. Some of them are already joining several dirty pursuits for survival, and daily we are losing those intelligent and gifted people. This ugly reality is WHY WE WEEP in AFRICA. By the grace of God, BCC will be providing platforms and avenues to showcase to the world what these young ones have to offer.
  • There are many sick and weak men and women in Africa and where many blacks are found who are too old to fend for what to eat. Some of them, their children are in looking for survival but because of terrible economic condition, there is nothing for them to sent to their parents. Therefore, the old people are at the mercies of the goodwill of those that remembers them and when nobody remembers them, they starve and die hungry. This is WHY WE WEEP in AFRICA. By the grace of God, BCC will place them on monthly salaries and will feed them till they finish their course on the earth and die.